Category: Justice Issues

Justice Issues

Trinity Hub update

Greetings Everyone, First and foremost, in addition to regular service, we will also be hosting an ID clinic for people who have lost their ID

Economic Justice

Congratulations Tara

In very happy news, our very own Tara Currie was recently awarded the Pam McConnell Award for Young Women in Leadership for her work here

Link text to a podcast
Justice Issues

Marilyn on inclusive education

Marilyn Dolmage joined Holy Trinity many years ago with her partner Jim and oldest son Matthew. Matthew thought HT would be a good place to

Teepees set up near Qu'appelle Indian school 1885

The question of healing

I won’t spend time this morning on the dispute between Jesus and the Pharisees about the question of of healing someone on the sabbath. Instead


Part of Creation

Third Sunday in Lent – Sunday Gathering A Sermon from Jim Ferry v This week we read from Genesis and Gospel According to Luke. The